
HRSA delivers a one page overview of the three accreditation/recognition organizations. Remember, HRSA pays for this with the completion and approval of your Notice of Intent.

AAAHC – Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care 
Contact person: Mona Sweeney
Contact number: (847) 324-7487

The Joint Commission 
Contact person: Pam Komperda
Contact number: (630) 792-5551

NCQA – National Committee for Quality Assurance 

NCQA Government Recognition Initiative & Projects - GRIP 
Contact number: (888) 275-7585

Survey Preparation

Read about switching from NCQA to AAAC or to The Joint Commission

Recruitment and Retention

National Health Service Corp
NM Health Resources- State Recruiter

NM Higher Education Department

NM Health Service Corps

Emergency Preparedness

Training Resources, Assistance Center and Information Exchange (TRACIE) is the Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Information gateway created by the Health and Human Services ASPR program to provide technical resources as well as individualized assistance for preparedness planning.
NM Department of Health news updates 
NM Health Alert Network sign up or login 

Outreach and Enrollment

NM Human Services Department Portal for clients to apply for benefits 
National Immigration Law Center - a great resource for questions regarding immigration status and eligibility for benefits.
beWellnm- For health insurance enrollment assistance

Behavioral Health

The Delta Center State Learning Collaborative will bring grantees representing Community Health Centers and behavioral health organizations together to learn from experts and each other with the goal of advancing value-based payment and care in the safety net.
Life Link Training Institue is the NM Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Medicaid approved trainer.


Kaiser Family Foundation State Facts is resource for finding demographic information for each state by state in areas such as income, health coverage and health status.

Resources for Patients/Providers

Paths to Health NM: Tools for Healthier Living is a resource for providers to refer patients for access to programs on prevention and self-management for many chronic conditions.

NM Bridge    is a statewide program to support hospitals looking to start providing buprenorphine treatment to persons with opioid use disorder.  The program has a robust, experienced Implementation Team to support all aspects of start up, sustainability and maintenance.  Part of what is offered is 24/7 access to live support from experts in buprenorphine and buprenorphine combination products (many know this as “Suboxone”) for OUD treatment and this is available to any provider statewide in any setting (e.g. FQHC, small primary care, behavioral health, OTPs, etc).  This 24/7 phone number goes directly to the UNM Poison Control Center team that is now prepared to field buprenorphine for OUD calls with back up as needed from our state’s top buprenorphine experts.


New Mexico Immunization Coalition

Patient Centered Medical Home