Outreach and Enrollment

The NMPCA maintains a contract with the New Mexico Health Authority (NMHCA) to provide oversight, training, and technical assistance to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and community-based agencies to provide Medicaid outreach and enrollment services to their communities. The NMPCA Medicaid Enrollment Program (MEP) typically oversees contracts with 25-30 organizations annually. NMPCA ensures that staff are appropriately trained to provide Presumptive Eligibility and Medicaid On-Site Application Assistance (PE/MOSAA).

NMPCA provides technical assistance to sub-contracting/ partner organizations through both site visits and regularly scheduled meetings with program managers/ directors. Meetings of the program managers/ directors provide opportunities to identify barriers and to share strategies for reaching hard-to-reach populations. NMPCA is continually working with partner agencies to improve the awareness, outreach and enrollment process and for improving enrollment processes.